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Angelic Books Channelled by Candace Caddick

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All books cost £11.99 plus postage. 

Dawn of the Endless Day:
Practical Steps for Living With the Earth and Hope for the Future














Buy it Now on Amazon or from me. See bottom of page for price.


This book is about the ascension of the human soul. For many years individual souls have endeavoured to remember who they are and why they are here; what is the meaning of life and does God exist? People are beginning to remember that they are here on a mission - to know who they are - souls that embody love.

The Earth has a plan for her future, where she is a planet of light combining with all the souls of light for whom she has provided a home. This is the point where she shifts into her next phase and the stellar gateway opens. On the other side of the gateway she joins those planets who are readying for their final return to the Creator Who Loves Us All.

How does humanity fit in to this planetary story? Are you all ready to make the transition to light in her company? Every action holds energy. This book is filled with practical steps for individual actions, ones that can change the energy of the entire human race. As small streams feed into a river, individual changes create the flow to return the planet to a healthy state.

This book is written by the Archangel Melchizadek who teaches us to live by the universal laws taught to us so long ago. “Treat everyone as you wish to be treated yourself.” “Love thy neighbour as you love yourself.” “Put the planet back the way you found it.” These few rules will see humanity step over the threshold into the new Dawn of the Endless Day.

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Stepping through the Looking Glass: Life on the Other Side













This is a channelled book by Archangels who wish to help humanity reach its goal of ascension. 2012 began a new Earth cycle filled with promise for humanity. Stepping Through the Looking Glass takes you out of the old and into the new Earth by showing you the planet as the angels see it. We offer you a glimpse of your past in ancient Egypt and how the solution to your economic problems will ultimately be solved in the same way. Death plays a role in life on this planet: it has already changed. Karma no longer governs you and even new souls are no longer the same. Magic is present everywhere. There are new waves of people incarnating now, the Peacemakers and the Masters, to help in the future as the Indigo Children do now. Everything you once knew is changing rapidly, and you are free to create your own future. You have stepped through the looking glass and we are here as your guides to Life on the Other Side.

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And I Saw a New Earth:   2012 and Beyond













2012 - the most exciting year for the Earth and humanity for a long, long time.
Earth reaches her moment of rebirth, changing completely at the end of the year. She will look the same, but everything will be different. Earth is becoming a whole new planet energetically and your lives cannot stay the same. Humanity is given a fresh start on a vibrant planet, opening to the light areas of business and government that have been hidden for lifetimes. This brings you closer to your own ascension as a soul group, and the completion of your experiences here. 2012 is the year when everything changes for the better.
This book completes a trilogy that began with Planet Earth Today and The Downfall of Atlantis about humanity and the Earth. Each book stands alone although the story of humanity runs through all three. This is the story of the soul group who chose to learn the hardest way of all on its road to light. The changes over the next decades will challenge you to the centre of your being. You’re on your way home.


Planet Earth Today: How the Earth and Humanity Developed Together, and Where We're Going Next













There have been books before about the living planet Earth, who we are, why we are here, where we are going, 2012, Atlantis, angels, Reiki, crystals and ascension. This is the first book that ties them together into a coherent whole. It is written by six Archangels who have come to explain, inform and prepare the way for human and planetary ascension, one of whom is the Archangel of Darkness. This book guides you in specific steps you can take that will make a difference to your life, and the health and ascension of the planet; some are energetic, and some physical and practical. Planet Earth Today is written for those who wish to know more about the world they live in.


After We Die: Forgotten Truths from Azreal, the Archangel of Death


















"Your soul flows like a ribbon through the universe, meeting people here, then twisting and flowing away to join others over there; a ribbon of golden energy touching the lives of other people. You touch down lightly and absorb knowledge, then lift and flow away. Others are doing the same and your paths cross many times, making elegant woven patterns of light. Life moves effortlessly and you find yourself always in the right place with the right companions. What at first seems unplanned and pointless always happens exactly as it should. Then you are born into a body." Archangel Azreal


The Archangel Azreal writes about death with love and compassion for all who have forgotten what waits on the other side of the veil. At a time when everything is changing for us, he explains what is happening and why it is happening now, and the importance of using death to balance and complete life. In the past this was information known by all, but once it was forgotten, the fear of death and confusion around the afterlife became entrenched. Angels would see us live in love and happiness and accept our final end with peaceful hearts.


Azreal completes the book with more information about why the young are becoming gender fluid, star beings, crop circles, global economics, a decline in population numbers and Earth changes. There are exercises to assist in balancing your energy and how to discern truth from lies, and what to do when you've found the truth. This book introduces the final stage for humanity as it ascends and begins its journey back to the Creator Who Loves Us All as part of the Earth's new Mega-Soul.


Guidebook to the Future: Practical Advice for a Changing World













There are an overwhelming number of changes taking place now. It’s as if you began a long journey without a map, and the road, and even the destination, keeps changing as you travel. This year, as soon as you become accustomed to one alteration another will take its place. Changes are taking place in the higher dimensions that will affect your society and economies and influence the forward progress of humanity. Think of this book as a map or guidebook into the near future, showing you the new energy and the way it shapes your individual pathways. We want you to relax, let go and enjoy the journey.

Angels are beings of love and light, and this book was channelled to help people look past the radical new changes to the happier world beyond.

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The Downfall of Atlantis: A History of the Tragic Events Leading to Catastrophe













The story of planet Earth and the origins of the human race are incomplete without including the history of Atlantis. Once again working with channel Candace Caddick the Archangels explain this early failure and how energetic echoes from the past alter the way we live here today. The sheer horror of the Fourth Age of Atlantis, due in great part to cloning, has never been explained in such a clear and understandable fashion as in this book. The story of Atlantis is relevant in this modern age as humanity once again heads down the scientific path of cloning without truly understanding its effect on the soul. Atlantis did not fully disappear until the last Atlanteans perished long afterwards. Great civilisations were established following the destruction, dwindling away over millennia until the days of King Arthur, the last of the Atlantean-style kings. His story and sacrifice lives on in your memories due to its significance for all humanity, and has been the basis of many of your works of fiction. It is time to remember Atlantis and Arthur, and begin to see your true world again.


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