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Recent Developments at Avebury Stone Circle

Candace Caddick

By the Archangel Michael.

I held an advanced Avebury workshop on Saturday, where we meet to heal the circle in whatever way  required at the time. I get told what needs doing and how to go about it by the Archangel Michael. In the past this has involved building large structures, raising giant crystals out of the ground, spinning the circle again so the energy starts moving around the planet once more. All of this is in the higher dimensions, so it may look the same as it ever did, but it feels different. This time we built a large spiral out to the universe to allow universal energy to enter and pick up strength as it travels down the spiral.

When giving ourselves over to do this work for the planet all the little details are taken care of; we stopped at one of the stones and were fitted out in armour that appeared to resemble Iron Man’s. My guides went so far as to neatly tuck in all the parts of my aura into the suit so none of me was exposed. We walked around in these until we’d finished, then the breeze just blew them away.  You don’t realise how much energy you’ve been working with until you get out of there into somewhere that is everyday-normal. It’s an honour to serve the planet in this way.

Archangel Michael:

This spiral was re-erected on the day of the anniversary of the first Avebury spiral after the demise of Atlantis. Each anniversary is like a nick in a spiral shaped timeline that comes around again and again, and it’s easier to accomplish some things on those dates. At that time we needed a direct way to send healing energy to the Earth to help her heal after the removal of the Atlantean archipelago.  It served her for a few thousand years until it was no longer needed and we could go back to the previous methods (written about in my book Planet Earth Today). This new spiral is for the same reason, a direct feed to the planet to heal her and help her build her energy for the next step. She is looking after herself for the moment, it is her time to shift and the energy will help her do it.  It is as dramatic a change for her as for a baby chick to hatch out of an egg.

We could have put this spiral up with only beings of light and crystals, but the fact that humans participated in its erection changes the message to the Earth. Now the spiral has your DNA associated with it, showing that you cared enough to work for her for one day. It’s one piece of a larger project with many people doing separate jobs, coordinated by angels and light beings. Our goal is to help her be who she wishes to be, the same goal we have for you.

Step by step she is coming closer to her time of change, and humanity’s help is recognized by her. It will make a difference in the end. She will be fine, you are the ones at risk at the moment. The armour we provide is to protect those who work for us, so no one is ever hurt while working for us. We do all we can to help you, too.

The wind of change has started blowing, only a small breeze at the moment but increasing as time goes by. It can’t be stopped – but it is offering you the same opportunity to hatch from your shells. You wouldn’t want to stay an egg forever, blind and dumb? There’s so much more to experience!

©Candace Caddick

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