The energetic effects of acts of violence: a case study of 9/11, the Twin Towers.
Archangelic Collective
“…we feared the earth would roll into a black hole of darkness and pull behind it everything in the known universe.” Archangel Melchizadek writing in Planet Earth Today.
We wish to speak about the energetic results of murder and killing through combat. Humanity as a species kills for insignificant reasons, usually so they can own or control something. Whether it is the neighbouring country, oil supplies or a mobile/cell phone you will kill to take possession of it. In the animal kingdom the same-species killing is usually about dominance of the herd, or survival. It happens, but it is on the smallest scale they can get away with.
When humans kill each other with violence you open up an abyss, a great tear in the fabric of the Universe, an opening and entrance for the energies that feed on sadness and pain. This tears apart the laws of the universal brotherhood of species; destroying one’s self, effectively hacking at your own limbs and body. This depravity/lunacy tears the very fabric of the sealed universe creating rips through which beings of darkness from the outside can pour in, and you wonder why there is an imbalance of light and dark in this universe? Because darkness gets to come in every time we destroy each other/ourselves. This is how humanity has such an effect on every other piece of life in this universe, because each act of violence changes the balance of the universe. Once you have opened the way for beings of darkness to come in and feed they contribute to the acceleration of the conflict, and it is harder and harder to shut it down and restore peace. We angels are the ones you need to ask for help as we can see those who feed on death and pain, and we can deal with them on your behalf. Ask us for some extra-dimensional help. Beings who feed on pain, fear and death are present inside and outside of this universe and wait for their opportunity to move in.
The surprise attack of 9/11 caused tremendous shock, and that shock ripped through humanity into the Earth itself. She suffered a dislocation, as if you dislocated your shoulder and it stopped moving smoothly with the rest of your body. The bodies in the airplanes containing explosive fuel were themselves disintegrated and the souls were in effect fragmented. The souls were fragmented not by the physical explosion but by the shock and the horror of such an experience causing them to be reduced to confused, lost, uncomprehending, paralysed, gibbering fragments reeling with the horror of what had happened to them. This is easy to imagine for yourselves: how would the terror and the horror of being kidnapped and flown into a building affect you? This is not just a one-off occurrence of 9/11; this happens every time humans create horrible deaths. The shock of incomprehensible violence at the hand of your own soul group e.g. your right hand maiming and shredding your left hand into tiny bloody pieces while part of the same body, so every war, every murder, every death by street crime, everything that goes against the very grain of the universe causes this paralysed shock to the individual soul. They are lost, confused, and staggering souls. It is like having the one person in your life that you love and trust above all and has given you unconditional love in return, turn and beat you with cruel, unrelenting, merciless strokes until you are dead. This is one reason why souls fragment, and this is why human violence is so screamingly wrong and why it tears apart the universe with it action.
Can you imagine the state of the human soul group now? With so many individual souls damaged through shock and horror, it looks like a shredded, confused mess. There is so much healing work done both on-planet in physical dimensions and off-planet in energetic dimensions to try and heal this damage. But more damage is constantly happening. It is so important to stop the human soul destroying itself and heal it, leading to saving the Earth from all the darkness coming in with each act of destruction. This changes the universe at large as the dark beings multiply with each human death at another human’s hand. And it’s not just human deaths at human hands; your inner hearts cry with pain and sorrow for each life you destroy; for they are your family and a part of you, because we are all part of the same universe.
The many sudden deaths on the site of the Twin Towers created a problem of fragmented, shocked souls. We moved in and have been standing, many stories tall, containing the space and the souls right there on the site of the World Trade Centre. This prevented them reeling out and becoming lost in the universe, and kept them together where we could care for them. The square structure of the memorial garden is the most stable geometric form, and if you refer back to the works of Rudolf Steiner you can read about the lack of energy in a square itself, and how it was perfect for holding those souls safely until help arrived. To look at the site last week was to see the roiling dust and destruction as the buildings fell, the whole event was happening over and over; the past stuck in the present time.
Two things happened at the September Earth healing circle at this channel’s house last week. First they reconnected the dislocation of the section of the Earth that had been shocked out of alignment. The relief was noticeable, and one of the early changes is that you will not have the very harsh winter that was coming your way. The trees were ready for it with nuts and berries to reproduce in case they died in the deep freeze; you can look and see how much work they have put into their reproduction. That has receded back to a normal winter and the relief can be felt with an undercurrent of joy as you walk in the woods. Second, it was seen that enough white light had to fill the space where the Twin Towers were to heal those souls and escort them out. This was done over the next day. Many, many people have contributed healing to this space over ten years, and every drop of it was used and contributed to the final result. This abyss is now closed and the black maggots that crawled across the space have been destroyed in the light. The waiting souls are gone, the air is cleared. The US is fighting wars because of this attack and new holes have been opened in new places. This one is now closed.
The Healing group also looked at the Glencoe Massacre and its effect on the descendants of the McDonalds alive today. Once again the shock of the violent surprise attack has left that event open-ended and unresolved: the bodies are still lying, centuries later, in the frozen February dawn. The resolution of all such violent deaths will change the world you live on today. Healing groups are needed everywhere to channel light into the human soul and the planet Earth.
Going back to the information the wolves wanted you to understand, you are a reflection of the Earth, and you can not take any action that doesn’t affect her. If you understand their message you can choose to act differently. (
I’ve written two books about the human soul. The story of the Downfall of Atlantis is about a soul tearing itself apart and the action taken at the time to save the planet. What’s different now, except it is worldwide and not confined to an island?
This blog sounds a little different because my daughter Heather helped me by writing down what she could see, and we wrote it together.