USA Healing Divisions, Strengthening Love
Starting Sunday, 31 January 2021, then ongoing every two weeks at 8 p.m. UK time, off-line. I have been asked by my angelic guides to facilitate twice monthly multi-disciplinary healing circles for the people of the United States. This group is open to practitioners of Reiki, Spiritual Healers, prayers, and positive thoughts being sent to the people of the United States with love, for the highest good of all. It is non-partisan. During each session we feel anxiety, anger and fear lessen as we work for those who are open to receiving love so that by the end, an element of peace is restored in the areas we are working.
I am joined by Reiki Master Grainne Warner and our concern is that violence and trouble have not ended, but have the potential to flare up again, threatening the lives of some and spilling out beyond the US borders. Therefore the angels have asked for this group to help prevent anything happening by healing divisions. It must be for the highest good of all to be effective, only then does the full force of healing light, love and compassion come through. This new group will also extend the healing to non-human life forms by including them in our thoughts. This is a call to arms (hands and hearts) for healers joining together to support the vibration of love.
“The highest good of all” is for the entire human race, but the healing is only being sent to these states. They are a microcosm at this time of the wider world, but they are also extreme in their views, further apart from each other in opinions and rigidity. If this healing group can soften the energy in the USA and soften the opinions by using love and compassion for people who have forgotten that you are all one, it will have a knock-on effect everywhere. We wish we could show you the effect you are having as in a favourite movie It’s a Wonderful Life. You are effective as long as it is love for all and compassion for all with no judgement. Don’t waste a thought on judging people, just send the love. There are people who receive it like a rope thrown to a drowning man and there are people who will not accept it. Don’t worry who is who, just send. Every time this group meets we see each of your hearts expand as the love of the Creator Who Loves Us All pours through in service to all humanity. It is a wonderful sight as the light rains down gently on people who are desperate for love and light in their hearts. The people who are sending these vast amounts of love glow ever stronger week after week. You change yourselves while you change others. Your light shines out for those in your countries to see. To sacrifice time to help others is a gift to the giver. We are angels of light, and you all rise ever higher towards our own vibration by service to your own soul group.
Channelled by Candace
We "meet" off-line Sunday evenings at 8 p.m. UK time by tuning into Candace's US healing circle. Send healing to the people of America until your hands start to slow down, usually about 20-30+ minutes. I have divided the US up and we'll do a few states at a time, but always including Washington DC every week. I will email you to remind you which geographical area we are doing that session. It can be interesting to tune into what's happening during the healing, state by state. Feedback is always welcome to let the rest of the group know how we’re doing.
The purpose of sending to 5 - 6 states at a time is to keep it small so as to send healing concentrated enough to all the individual people and not miss any. Doing such a large country all at once is too much, like sending healing to all the people of Europe at once.
This process has always been shown to me as changing the course of a river. At the moment I see a wide river swiftly approaching a massive waterfall with two boats on it, one for each political party. This group's work is to curve the course of the river away from the falls. We have three and a quarter years from Feb 21 to make the correction. A group of at least 40 people will be able to do this, but with 60+ people the river turns into a flowing river of light, easily turning and spreading love out across the world. This is one way of working together to make change for humanity. Please join me and tell your friends.
If you would like an email reminder for these sessions and a schedule of dates, please contact me at and you will be added to an email list for this group, and no other mailing list. I have set it up so that if you miss our meeting time you can still tune in with an intention to join us and be part of the group within 24 hours each way.
Candace Caddick
“I have been thinking about what doing this meditation is teaching me about Reiki and myself. I can see that initially my idea about healing divisions would end with more people agreeing with my point of view. I realize now that I will have to move to the middle of arguments in order to meet others half-way. There has been some resistance along the way for me.
When one or more of us in this group reaches the point of balance in the middle of the divisions, that energy will lock in and spread outwards. Because I use Reiki, I don’t feel I need to worry about the how or the when, the instructions are to just keep sending for the highest good of all. I watch as this group sends Reiki to strengthen love and that is how we will heal divisions.
I feel very fortunate to have such great people working with me in this group.”
Lily Thompson
"Very moving. I printed out your map, circled the areas and put my hands on.
I wept a lot of the time. So much desolation. Not crying. Weeping, in so much pain.
Gasping for breath. Felt very surrounded by support. Holding me, with me.
Archangel Michael cut cords, Raphael poured golden healing ointment,
Gabriel brought the message of love and light.
Metatron arrived at the end for a second. Seemed to approve.
This is how I experienced it. More like a house cleansing than anything else"
Birgit Knorr
Thank you for initiating the Healing Circle for the USA. It is so needed. I do live here (USA) for 21 years and never had this feeling of potential for violence as an almost consistent companion. While I always was very sensitive to the energy of places, it appears that now it brings up generational trauma (I'm German) in me and it can be overwhelming at times.
The challenge in the US is that there are so many types of trauma. Usually a country has to deal with some key trauma - Germany: World War 1 and 2 and the holocaust. Here the country stands on Genocide of the indigenous people, slavery, the civil war, and a population that pretty much in large has a variety of trauma based on immigration, which means loss of place, culture and family plus "import" of the collective trauma fled.
It feels overwhelming even to know where to start. So starting with the river. Let the journey begin.