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A New Cycle of Peace

Candace Caddick

By the Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Earth.

You began a new cycle of energy on Earth this month (or more accurately Thurs 28th April), a cycle of harmony and peace. This is one of the subjects we angels are most fond of, yet have the most difficulty convincing human beings can ever take place in their world. How can we say there is a new cycle of peace, what do we mean?

We have talked in the last few months about a wave of energy arriving that is an opportunity for you to relax and receive some help from the Universe. The wave that began at the end of April can lift you and help you on your way to your chosen destination. You can glide rather than struggle on your path. As the weeks’ progress we watch this happen with many of you. Where it is most effective is when you are taking actions, rather than doing nothing. An action has energy that is tangible and can be grabbed just like a piece of wood floating in the sea. Your actions can be lifted forward, connections are made,  and unlikely coincidences take place. This should be fun for all of you.

This same helpful wave holds the vibration of harmony and peace. Your actions are pushed by this harmonic wave. Think about a different type of wave of chaos energy or perhaps disharmony. As that wave rolled through human society did you feel more friction between you, was there an increase in fighting? You have just lived through a wave that lasted 100 years or so, since the time of the First World War. This wave is the antidote, the opposite, and it is far, far stronger than any previous wave for a century. The universe – a place of great and unlimited love – is extending a helping hand to all of you. You eat, sleep and live surrounded now by this wave of peace.

Many of you have felt the switch in energy and it has been unsettling, perhaps you have felt a bit jittery at times over the last month. This wave is enough to cause those feelings. You all need time to adjust in your physical selves, and you will have time it, you are all beings of love in your origins and it is easier for humans to adjust to love than fighting. We estimate this wave of peace will settle down and begin to influence society on Earth in the next two years or so. You cannot continue as you are and live in love, and proceed to align with the love of the outer universe. We are waiting to welcome you home one day.

©Candace Caddick

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