Avebury in Summer
By Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Earth
In the summer months it can be very pleasant among the stones at Avebury Circle in Wiltshire, and many families visit with their children and picnic. All who come are spending time in an area of heightened energy, adjusting and rebalancing themselves to the Earth’s latest level of energy. Their energy will have shifted and they will find their lives more in alignment with the planet they live on.
This Summer there is an increased speed to the spinning circle in the higher dimensions. Avebury spins to send Earth energy down the ley lines in the same way the heart pumps blood into the arteries. Flow and energy are needed everywhere, to push stagnancy out its accustomed pockets and create change in every corner of the globe.
This intensification of energy is most easily felt at Avebury. Do you want to change something in your life? Are there areas of stagnancy you’d love to shift? Pay a visit to the circle and prepare for transformation.
“I am the Archangel Michael, I write these workshops to take people through the healing aspects of Avebury step by step so they can begin a process of change that can last for months. The energy of the Earth needs to be incorporated into your own energy so you can live more healthily, with greater balance on its surface. It is essential that you are able to connect with the Earth in your day-to-day lives. You cannot thrive without her.”
I run workshops to Avebury where I take people through the higher dimensional gateway to enhance the healing experience. Each time I go I have benefited from being taken one more step along my own pathway. Last Saturday I visited with a stone that’s good at opening up the third eye, After feeling distracted by events at home over the past twelve months, it gave me a spring clean and another upgrade. The enhanced clarity is welcome!
Next Avebury workshop is 16 September, see www.candacecaddick.com/calendar, please also see the testimonials page. Follow-up Avebury workshop on 14 October.
©Candace Caddick