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Coping Strategy for Change

Candace Caddick

By the Archangel Esmariel, Archangel of Transformation.

I am Esmariel, I assist those who ask for help during their process of transformation. Change is the energy of now, and all of this change has one goal: to allow you to become the best you can be as a human being. You have all reached the point in evolution where you are like caterpillars, pushing and stretching to break open a restricting shell. You are doing this by living on Earth today and you planned this for yourself. When you have broken open the carapace you, like the butterfly, will soar away. You will go from a position where you can barely move to flight. This is what all the turmoil in human life is working to achieve.

Maybe you don’t want life to become more uncertain, more dangerous or tumultuous? It is  reasonable to feel that way, if nothing ever changes you can predict what’s coming. But if you could see what we Archangels can see, the shell breaking open and the soaring new life – you would stop worrying.

It will make it easier if you become aware of this process of transformation you have engaged in. Stop and meditate on your life today. If you are tired, then what is the drag on your energy? What do you need to drop and walk away from? Attitudes, belongings, tiresome people? Read and listen to the news less, and when you do – try to remove yourself a degree to keep from drowning in violent stories. Your ability to hold joy makes a difference on the planet.

I wait for people to ask me for help in their personal transformation. When an angel helps it can take unexpected directions, but we all try to help from a position of light. You will be helped to learn something on your path but not in a way to crush or destroy you. We guide you to experiences  that are good for you to have, not harmful or setting you back a step. We are safe to ask for help. Just say with intention “Archangel Esmariel, please help me with my process of transformation.” I will step in and guide you in the process of change. This is my time to help.

Archangel Esmariel wrote one of the sections of Planet Earth Today all about change.

©Candace Caddick

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