Heating Houses with Crystals – excerpt from Planet Earth Today
Updated: Apr 27, 2022
Planet Earth Today
By the Archangel Melchizadek
I’ve been working on heating myself using crystal energy, especially now that I’ve moved to a house where I have a separate wooden building in the garden to write in. Immediately I was told to keep a heating diary and wait to write about it until I’d figured out how it is done, and that this is now something that we can do. Meanwhile, here is what they wrote in Planet Earth Today about heating with crystal energy, and wouldn’t you know it, the answers are all there – but I understand them better now. I am persevering with learning how to do this in my own life. Candace
Under the continent of Atlantis lived the crystal kingdom of sentient crystals, living their lives as crystals do, in a continuous exchange with the planet. The role of this kingdom was to clarify earth energy as it passed through each crystal in a two-way flow. The energy that the crystals passed to the planet was made up of the energy showered onto the outer planetary surface from the stars in the universe, combined with the energy of the species that lived on the surface. The flow back through the crystals was of the love and nurturing energy of the planet. This energy was grounded into the crystals and released back to the life above. Here was a partnership of life, crystal life and planet that allowed all to grow and share the experiences of each other…
…The crystals drew energy from the earth and lived on pure universal life force energy; they contained this energy in solid form. Because the life energy was concentrated in the crystal kingdom the crystals themselves were a source of power and energy for the new humans, instead of fossil fuels. They had played this role before for the other soul groups that had finished their games and moved on into light.
The quality of their energy and light was of the highest quality, the frequency of their vibration was strong enough to radiate out and be a source of fuel for the farthest flung dwellings. This energy caused no diseases as the modern forms of vibration can, but was a source of completeness and wholeness for the land and people who lived on it. Crystalline energy was of the Earth, and the Earth’s energy was from the universe. Universal life force energy comes from the Creator of this universe. It is the energy that provides life and connection back to the Source. Every planet and star is connected and nourished by this energy, every life form lives because of it. It showers down onto each and every planet at all times. You think here that you have life because of the Sun’s light reaching the Earth every day. The Sun itself lives because of the energy of the Source of all. There is more to life than scientific explanations. Life has life energy, all life is connected to this energy, and it connects all living life forms in the universe in an unbreakable bond.
You are approaching a time when the crystal energy will be renewed…When that day comes the way of seeing your lives will have changed so that you are ready and able to accept this energy and partnership with the Earth once more. That day will not come upon you suddenly, but will be part of a renewal of your commitment to the health and well-being of this planet you live on. Until that fundamental change has filtered through your lives and ways of living here the crystals will not be providing you with energy.