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Let Your Spirit Soar

Candace Caddick

By Archangel Michael

The eclipse in August drew a line energetically,  a line that could be seen by people physically. A door was closed to the past, and humanity is walking in a new direction. It’s as if everything that happened on the other side of the door no longer matters, and a fresh start has been made.  You don’t need to strain to see the results of this new beginning, they will settle down on you gently, like snowflakes. From this time onwards you each walk on a new path, and that path can rise up off the ground just as easily as walking straight ahead on the surface of the Earth. We say this now because there are so many events happening simultaneously that it can seem like a good idea to hop over many of them, land further ahead while skipping all the difficulties that appear. This is a difficult concept, but if we said to “let your Spirit soar” would it be easier to understand?

What happens when you let your Spirit soar? You allow the higher energies of the universe to carry you, the struggle to walk forward through difficulties uses a great deal of personal energy, and it is not necessary.  That’s not allowing anyone to help you, and we are a race of beings that is here to help you reach your fullest potential and shine your light so everyone can see you. And when everyone can see you, you will be soaring above the troubles below. The troubled events will be happening but you will not engage with them in a sad way, you will find them another opportunity to shine and let love flow outwards to help others and the planet.

Light is an aspect of Love, and when you shine you are emanating love. When we say we want to help you let your Spirit soar, we want you to bask in light and love. Seeing problems through a filter of love changes the way you experience that problem. Let us help you, ask angels to help you.

I’ve just gone through a few weeks of having crows, trees, elementals, and other natural beings say “use your wings to fly above the trouble on the Earth.” I confessed I did not quite get how I was to do this so they changed it to “let your Spirit soar.” That made more sense to me personally, but I am including the message about the wings as people are different and may understand some phrases more easily than others. I am pleased to receive a fuller explanation from the Archangel Michael in the form of this article. Candace

©Candace Caddick

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