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  • Candace Caddick

Remembering Your Role on Earth

By Candace with the Archangel Melchizadek.

I was given a new workshop this year by my guides to help people remember what they had planned for themselves when they incarnated for this lifetime on Earth. I asked “why now?” They replied it was important for people to complete their plans for this lifetime, before the next big change takes place. Part of the reason for altering the planet’s rhythm in June was to help people, shake them up and get them moving again.

Everyone’s plan and role is different. A multitude of abilities can be brought to bear on any problem and each of us holds a piece of the solution. No one has to fix the planet or the people by themselves, we are here to learn to work with each other and remember our overarching human soul.

This feeling that solving major problems is up to us is partly true and partly false. We don’t have to carry the burden for others, only for ourselves. If we neglect to do what we came here to do it makes it harder for others, with a smaller chance of overall success. As we are all one making it harder for others makes it harder for ourselves.

If we are busy living as we intended to when we came here, we feel better about ourselves. We have put our purpose and our talents first in our lives and found they fit, we were all born with the talents to complete our life plan. There’s a great sadness in finding out once you’re dead that you had every gift you needed and never used them as you intended.  What would happen if everyone got on with their self-selected tasks and accomplished them?  What would the Earth be like?


There are many who go through their whole lives inert and getting very little out of their time here. It’s a wasted opportunity to grow in wisdom and love, and when they return, if they return, they may well have the same lives to repeat at the same level. They missed the chance to build on a lifetime of learning. At this time we see many who have forgotten they have any purpose at all. They are living in their personal worlds but not in reality. They have succumbed to diversion and distraction and its hard to pull them back. Life holds little for these people.

The workshop entails information, a personal channelling, meditations and guidance. It meant to help people identify their direction so they can take steps along their path.  Once on your way it’s a journey you’ll enjoy.


12 August, 23 Sept, 11 Nov 2018

The second half of 2018 onwards promises many changes. Earth is travelling forward into the future and our role is to help her, and thereby help ourselves. This workshop explores her journey, humanity’s role in it and helps individuals become clear on their part in the process. Everyone is here to help, not everyone remembers what they were planning on doing in this life.  The day will include meditation, a personal channelling and guidance.

This workshop is meant to start you on your way, to get you thinking and making decisions that align you with your original plans.

It’s time to remember and take action. Being aligned with your purpose eases background stress as you become whole.

10.30 – 3.30 p.m.

Redhill, Surrey


Numbers will be limited

Please contact Candace Caddick for further details.

Reiki Master, Author and Clairaudient Channel

©Candace Caddick

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