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When Change Enters Your Life

Candace Caddick

Guidebook to the Future: Practical Advice for a Changing World

By the Archangel Melchizadek

The previous blog was written to alert you to how much change you can expect in the next few years. This is going to be remembered as a time when many useless and failed organisations came to an end, and cleared the space for something completely new to grow strong. You have sayings, such as “a new broom sweeps clean”, and you are now in a period of energy where everything is new. This energy is not particularly human; it is a change in the planet below your feet. You are perched on top of a planet that has already changed, but it is still taking care of your growth and development as a soul.

Change brings up a lot of emotions from fear to loss to excitement. You can bury your head in the sand and hope it passes you by, and that your life will stay exactly the same. But what if your life changed and you were happier? Change doesn’t have to result in worse circumstances for anyone, but change brings challenges right into your home. It could be easier for you if you accept that change is inevitable, and decide to flow with whatever is brought your way. That means recognising the snags in your life that keep you from flowing, and releasing them.

We wrote a book about change and had Candace type it up and get it published. Guidebook to the Future was written to help guide you through this period of change, to help you in making the decisions that are coming your way soon. Transition years can be very good, but there is always the risk that you won’t fully participate in your lives.  What do you want? It can be far easier to arrive where you want to be than you currently realise. It doesn’t have to be a hard road, but it must be thought about and chosen. The first step is thoughtful consideration and that begins the process of removing obstacles in your way. It may be the first time you see what’s holding you back from the life you want. Then you know that you need to act to remove, step around or jump over any blocks. Life is meant to be fun. Read the Guidebook, this is too brief a forum for angelic teaching.

©Candace Caddick

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