Woodland Tapestry of Life
Archangel Melchizadek
It snowed today, enough to coat every branch and leaf in white. Each holly leaf could hold an inch by itself in its thorny cup. A white blanket was laid down to snuggle under and take a winter’s rest. That hush you hear in the woods after the first snowfall is more than the silence of sleeping animals. It’s the annual rest for the plants, hibernating like the warm blooded woodland residents. There’s an end to the constant chatter of the plant kingdom.
But you say you don’t hear plants talk?
Most of you are so used to hearing the continual rumble and speech, from the lowest sounds from the largest tree roots to high piping sounds of the smaller, younger plants that you ignore it. You all have the capacity to hear and understand the sense of what they are talking about. It’s quiet now in the winter latitudes, and you will have a chance to listen in again in the spring.
In the spring the sounds are of a vast excitement, the bluebell bulbs are reining themselves in, trying not to burst through the soil before it’s their appropriate time. They can’t wait to get up there and flower to be part of the whole life of the woods, each part indispensable. They weave between them a tapestry of life made up of every plant, animal and insect. (Especially the insects, who go-between and unify the others.)
Where do you humans fit into this picture, and how do you relate to the rest of the life on this planet? You are 99.99% left out of the picture. You work with very few other life forms and you walk through your lives as if you are the only ones consciously alive. You could not be more wrong. When you think of angels do you think we only work to help you, and communicate with humanity? We work with all life in this universe, we help all who ask us and your fellow life forms on this planet have asked us for help. They find it increasingly difficult to maintain life here as the planet is degraded through your activities. We know that many of you do not support this planetary degradation. What are you going to do about it?