Candace CaddickJan 1, 20213 minChannellingsGoodbye 2020Susulyka | contribs) {{Information |Description={{hu|bükkös a Kékes oldalában (Mátra)}} {{en|beech forest in the Mátra Mt. (Hungary)}}...
Candace CaddickFeb 23, 20112 minChannellingsCurrent events in North Africa and the Middle EastArchangel of Hope and the Archangel of Transformation How do you see the uprising of the citizens in the countries of North Africa and...
Candace CaddickFeb 22, 20112 minChannellingsScience and The Downfall of AtlantisArchangel of Light It was difficult in some ways to determine what to include in the book The Downfall of Atlantis and what to leave out....