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Earth Ascension – How it Affects You

Candace Caddick

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

Planet Earth Today

By Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Earth

Do you understand the world as a place where everything is alive, and being alive all have a soul? To an angel the idea that something lives and without a soul is complete nonsense, it implies that all your animals and insects are zombies. The Earth provides a space for souls to learn about life and who they are; soul groups enter with a plan to achieve this and use their experiences to increase in wisdom and love. Each life form here is working towards this knowledge, and with knowledge comes ascension. When the soul leaves a living body, the body is dead whether human, animal, or plant.  Each soul is equal to each other soul in size by the way we measure souls, which is by the amount of life present in the spiritual body, not size of the physical body.

Consider the largest physical body here, that of the planet Earth. It’s her turn to ascend now along with all but two of the life forms present on her surface. Humanity plus one other are not ascending at this time, but will be living on a planet that has finished learning everything she could at her present level of experience. She is taking a step into her future and into a higher vibrational state of being, with a greater outpouring of light. You will be living on a planet that has changed as much as a planet can change from the inside.

At the beginning of humanity’s time here the plan was to go with her when she ascended, but you are not yet ready. It doesn’t mean you can’t be ready in the future, but that you will not be delaying Earth and the others. You’ll keep working towards your own goal of ascension, in order to catch up with her. Where will she be? The analogy most of you will recognise is one of your computer games, where once a level is finished the player goes up a level and continues playing. She is going up a level. Her vibration is accelerating swiftly and her light is increasing. Your path is to accept and use the light in the form of love and truth and to work with it. Look around you and see where you can take action using love and truth, and then do it. The light will hold you steady while you look at humanity’s problems and act. Even though you have missed your first chance, it doesn’t mean another won’t appear. Earth’s ascension will help you rather than hinder you.

As always, it is of the utmost importance to use a form of self-healing such as Reiki, meditation, Sufi spinning, etc. to take each day’s increase in energy and consolidate it. Those of you who practise will therefore move gracefully and rapidly ahead in the new energy, and make it easy for yourselves. There will be those who instead of moving forward, will hit a glass wall and stop. This is one of the crunch times for your soul group, and you have a few surprises up your sleeve to make it a success. Don’t be afraid or worry, if you were not able to work with this energy you would not be reading this now.

Starting this weekend.

I visited Avebury last weekend to add to the preparations for this event. The Earth will use Avebury as the site it rises through to her new vibrational state, and the energetic structures were all in place to make this happen. “Rises through” means something else in the higher dimensions, the planet will not appear to be going anywhere in height, width and depth. The stones themselves were elongating and stretching high into the sky to hold their places in the new level. The ground is quivering more every day as the energy builds to something most resembling an orgasm.  

Angelic advice is to continue to ground yourselves, you can’t do this too often right now, the Earth is still supporting you. Do your best to balance next week by holding on to the things that support you with love and living in a rounded and balanced way. Be outside. Celebrate as the Earth undergoes a reincarnation-same-body experience, the small death where the new Earth is enhanced with more of her soul available for her use – more wisdom, more light, and more strength. Appreciate who she was, and all she is and will be. This is the biggest party of our lifetimes, and it would be a shame to miss it.                        

©Candace Caddick


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