A Healer’s Guide to Broken Bones
First, always follow your doctor’s advice as they are the experts at the physical healing of bones. This is an article for energy workers...
A Healer’s Guide to Broken Bones
USA – Healing Divisions, Strengthening Love
Sacred Ceremony at Stonehenge
Reiki for the Post-Coronavirus World
Sacred Sites of England Tours
Experiencing Stonehenge’s Inner Circle
Changing the Energy Around Death
Why are Rats Fleeing New York City?
Using Avebury to Change Earth’s Energy
The Beginning of the Wind of Change
Earth Ascension – How it Affects You
The World Has Changed
Reiki Experiment To Try At Home
Follow-up on Crystal Heating
How Is Reiki Different on Earth?
Two Examples Using Reiki This Year
Planting Seeds of Light
End of the Old World, and Beginning of the New. The Role of Elohim in 2012.
Royal Wedding Observations
Reiki Retreat in South Wales 2010