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Stonehenge Sacred Ceremony update – now planned 14 July 2020

Candace Caddick

Updated: Apr 27, 2022

We are hoping that the site will be open by Tuesday 14 July and bought 28 centre circle tickets to be there and perform the ceremony within the circle itself that evening. We’ve changed the planned weekend to a one-day event to make it as flexible and affordable as possible in the circumstances.

We both became aware of the need for a ceremony of gratitude when we were on my Sacred Sites Tour in 2019. We stood in the centre of the Stonehenge Circle and the energy of the big stones seemed to be leaning away from the circle, so we asked why. We started to explore further to see what was energetically needed at the site. This led us unexpectedly to a ceremony of appreciation that had to do with the role of Stonehenge as anchor of the Earth’s energy shield. Looking ahead to the ceremony I could see that we humans needed to do this, not someone else, and that the Salisbury plains would be filled with witnesses from the unseen realms including the Angelic realms.

In addition, as if there needed to be another reason for the ceremony, there have been many timely shifts in energy on the planet. Avebury has already taken a huge leap in its evolution this spring. The situation now is like this: You try to spread a tablecloth smoothly on a picnic table, but just as you laid it down, before you could straighten it, the cloth gets snagged and stuck in the wrong position. You can’t smooth it out! Stonehenge is the sticking point at this moment. When it is released, the Earth can begin smoothing out her energy, so she is working efficiently again, and we have until the first week in August to do this. If we can’t get access into the circle Grainne and I will do it (staying 2 m apart) on a local footpath and we will invite people to be with us energetically in support. At this moment we are hoping we will all be able to do this together in the centre circle with those who feel called to attend so are asking you to be flexible and save the date of the 14th July 2020 knowing we will only be able to confirm close to the time.

Here is our plan for our one-day workshop, assuming everything has reopened:

Start at Woodhenge at 10.30 to honour and recognize the role Woodhenge plays in the Earth’s energy grid. Leave and arrive at Stonehenge for lunch at the cafe by 12.30, about a 15 min drive from Woodhenge. Between 12.30 and 2.00 we will be handing out your Stonehenge tickets to visit the museum and the outside of the circle to adjust to the energy. At 2 pm we get on the shuttle buses and guide you around the energy of the site. Come back for tea in the cafe and look in the shop. Leave to eat dinner locally by 5:00 pm, and arrive back at the visitors centre by 8:20 pm in time for the final hour of the evening to have an hour inside the circle with the ceremony being the final event.

For those of you who want to, you can travel on to Avebury the next day to enjoy the circle there and we can give you some guidance if you do and we may well go ourselves.

For our 30 May offering of the weekend event we were collecting the money for hotels and all the meals for two days. On this trip you will need to book your own hotel if desired (we can make recommendations) once the circle is declared open, and you will buy your own meals or bring a picnic lunch. You need to arrange your own transport, but we are here to help; we are hoping that we can arrange lifts for people in cars that are going, if they do not have their own transport, with people sharing car costs. It would be great if you can let us know if you are planning on driving and if there is space in your car.

The cost is £120 for the day, including the Stonehenge tickets centre circle tickets.

If you would like to be a part of this please register your interest, send no money, and mark the date on your calendar. When we hear if Stonehenge is open or closed then we can come back to you quickly. First come, first served in order of payment.

As part of our work together we are also recognising the need for regular Earth healing circles so if you would like to do some guided Earth Healing, we have set up our Earth Magic Healing Circle online twice a month from 18th May at 7:30 pm UK time participation £10 each.

We look forward to being together united in a common purpose of supporting healing of the Earth.

Please do email us about your interest in being with us in Stonehenge and we’ll put your name on the list.


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