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The Magic of Tintagel

Candace Caddick

Looking out to sea from the castle ruins on Tintagel.

I visited Tintagel in Cornwall last week, where folklore places King Arthur’s birth. I don’t believe he was born there, but it is one of the places where the energetic skin of the Earth is thinner and she is more accessible to us.

One of the first things I noticed was that Tintagel is the closest point of land to where the real action was taking place: out to sea. Similar to the sea at Land’s End in Cornwall there is a vortex of energy off-shore. The energy rises from the water with the colours and appearance of an aurora borealis, and the island and a small area around is encapsulated under a blister of Earth energy. Sitting on the rocks you are under the Earth’s energy skin and resting against her without barriers. You become connected with timeless space and the limitless potential for action of the larger being that is Earth. Magic is the limitless possibility of making something happen that seems otherwise impossible. Walking on the hilltop you brush shoulders with everyone who has ever walked there from the Romans and dark ages onwards, they are there still as there is no past or future.   

The next day in a forest I came on the same type of experience as Tintagel, where we were under the skin of the planet. The Earth energy is now rising up the trunks of the trees and to walk among them is also below the surface of her energy skin. This connection to the Earth and her limitless possibilities is how the future will be. It’s already begun.

©Candace Caddick

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