Using Avebury to Change Earth’s Energy
By the Archangel Michael.
Avebury is a neglected asset on your planet. The great stone circle acts as a machine that can provide the energy the planet and people need at that moment, altering the existing energy and send it out new. I don’t think any of your man-made computers are able to do that yet! Avebury provides the raw material to act, and then is able to act in partnership with humans.
There are a number of very large energy waves arriving on Earth from the universe between now and 2025 or so, the most forceful in late 2020. The wave hitting you now is one of these and will have the effect of upping the overall amount of energy on the planet. Once again humanity finds itself standing in a blast of energy while trying to get on with their lives. Imagine you are an insect and someone turns a blow-dryer on you to send you away, but you want to move forward. Maybe you will, or maybe you’ll lose your grip. Your lives will continue but the background energy will be disruptive.
We Earth angels channelled through a workshop to a group at Avebury last Saturday to use the stone circle and the individual stones. The participants were able to pick up new planetary energy and feed it into the circle so that Earth’s circulating energy carried human vibrations. The change allows the new wave to blend with this altered energy and will make it easier for people to adapt and live their lives. This is only one of the many uses of this sophisticated site.
Avebury changes month by month now. A few of us had a very special day at Avebury on Saturday. By volunteering to do this work we settled this energy into ourselves so that we match it. We now look like pegs firmly placed in a peg board, anchoring human and universal energy. There also looks to be a lot of pegs blowing around without roots. Grounding yourselves will help, as will daily Reiki self-treatments or other energy work. It’s all about carrying a vibration as close to the Earth’s as possible as it continues to increase at great speed. Candace
©Candace Caddick