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Candace Caddick
Oct 7, 20152 min read
After Ascension at Avebury
Light burning off darkness. Messier 96. Picture courtesy of NASA By the Archangel Michael. One of the functions of Avebury stone circle...

Candace Caddick
Dec 3, 20122 min read
What’s Changing on 12.12.12
We are ready to say a little more about the expected changes in energy as your galactic cycle ends. Earth will be hit by the biggest wave...
Candace Caddick
Oct 30, 20122 min read
New York City – What Happens When the Energy Withdraws?
By the Archangel Uriel, Archangel of the Earth We wrote previously in the book And I Saw A New Earth about the withdrawal of earth energy...
Candace Caddick
Oct 28, 20123 min read
What Happens When the Energy Withdraws?
By the Archangel Uriel, Archangel of the Earth If you are thinking about a crucial change in your life, what do you have to do to set it...
Candace Caddick
Oct 12, 20122 min read
The Chasm
by the Archangel Uriel, Archangel of the Earth We have two short channelings this weekend about the changes to the Earth taking place...
Candace Caddick
Oct 3, 20123 min read
Opening a Crack in Time
By the First Elohim (I can be completely surprised by what they want to talk about.) Greetings to all; it has been a while since I took a...
Candace Caddick
Jul 18, 20123 min read
The London Olympics
By the Archangel Melchizadek Why was it important that London hosted the Olympics from the point of view of the Earth and the passage of...

Candace Caddick
Jul 2, 20122 min read
The Crystal under Chicago
I’ve been staying in Chicago with friends and a small crystal that is fond of road trips. (Crystals need to ground on the Earth after...
Candace Caddick
Apr 18, 20122 min read
Here We GO!
About mid-day on Monday here in the UK it was time to choose whether you were going on the roller coaster ride or not. (See...
Candace Caddick
Jan 3, 20123 min read
Happy New Year 2012 and Mayan Numbers
Channel from a personage who I watched for a while as it strode around the jungles of Central America. His feet sank into the mountains...
Candace Caddick
Dec 22, 20112 min read
Winter happenings at Avebury Stone Circle
Four of us from my Earth Healing group went to Avebury Stone Circle yesterday for a visit. Usually when I go there’s something new to...
Candace Caddick
Dec 21, 20112 min read
2012 The Year of Miracles, and a word on Crop Circles
By Pan Miracles are coming? What kind of miracles? Intangible, world-changing miracles that some will certainly see, and others will...
Candace Caddick
Dec 9, 20112 min read
Christmas 2011
Esmariel, Archangel of Transformation “We’re returning to that time of year again when we celebrate Christmas, when we combine every...
Candace Caddick
Oct 17, 20113 min read
End of the Old World, and Beginning of the New. The Role of Elohim in 2012.
Elohim Collective “Elohim are a collective of angels. We exist in the greater universe as carriers of energies of light. We have divided...
Candace Caddick
Mar 22, 20113 min read
New Dawn, the beginning of the Next Age
New Dawn, the beginning of the Next Age The Seraphim are one of the five collectives of angels whose home is in the space between the...
Candace Caddick
Mar 11, 20112 min read
Japan’s March 2011 Earthquake
Archangel Uriel, Archangel of the Earth When we talk about the planet waking up from sleep, we want you to think about how you wake up...
Candace Caddick
Mar 6, 20113 min read
Earth and spring 2011
By Melchizadek You are all sitting in a roller coaster car at the top of the longest, fastest run, and in a nano-second you will all take...
Candace Caddick
Jan 21, 20113 min read
Channelling as a way of life
Archangel of Light We’ve been working with this channel for some years now, and much of her work has been written down in the form of...

Candace Caddick
Jun 16, 20102 min read
Trees, and why they’re so excited these days
I like to go to places where they still have enormous old trees. If you’re in a wooded area you can usually identify the patriarch tree,...
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