Guidebook to the Future: Practical Advice for a Changing World
Guidebook to the Future: Practical Advice for a Changing World
I’ve been writing a book for the last six months (title above), a channelled book by the Archangelic Collective about the changes in society we can expect now. The largest changes are taking place over the next five years, then as they continue up until 2040 we will be more accustomed to letting go and taking change in our stride.
Why would we want anything to change? If you take a look around you at the world we live in there is room for greater fairness and happiness for all. Change can be as easy or as hard as a person makes it, and this book is exactly what it says: a guidebook. Remember that the process of change can feel difficult, but afterwards what was new becomes the norm. Getting people to a place of happiness is the point of the Guidebook. I could have said this book is about finding personal happiness for each of us.
Once again, channelling has been a pleasure, and something I feel privileged to be able to do. I’ve made a webpage for this book where there is more information and a table of contents ( ) and you can buy my book on its page or from online retailers.
©Candace Caddick