The Beginning of the Wind of Change
Updated: Apr 27, 2022
By the Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Earth.
On a recent Avebury workshop the centre of the stone circle was crowded with elementals, some large and heavy duty workers along with many, many smaller ones. I asked them what they were working on, and they showed me how they were taking the lines of light, dissolving them and spreading the light out evenly. This will make light flow smoothly and evenly across the surface of the planet. At time of writing you can see a patchy flow across the surface of the ground. It will become stronger and higher. Candace
Avebury Stone Circle
I am the Archangel Michael and I want to talk about what is happening with the Earth. All of this is happening as the background behind your current violent events on the surface. I will recap a little first.
In 2012 the Earth was reborn into a new 26,000 year cycle, and although she looked the same, the energy of the old Earth was gone and she had changed into a new version of herself. In computer terms, it was like she had new operating software. The pace of change picked up and everyone, including Earth was learning how to live with each new change. All life is adjusting to the new way she is, and her increasing development. Some beings are better at adjusting than others.
In September of 2015 she was ready for her own ascension and took with her all of life here except humanity, who were not yet ready to ascend. This is not a problem, it is better to see it as flexibility. Her ascension was a quick out-and-in, she (again computer analogy) managed to download more of her higher self, or soul, into her physical body. The same happened with the other life forms present here.
The Earth has her own plan and is taking each step to remove the layers of darkness on her surface and become a planet of light again. The new flow of light is a step beyond the ley lines, energy grids, etc. It is more advanced, a little like when wifi was developed and you stopped plugging your computers into a socket. She doesn’t need the lines anymore. She started this work at Avebury as the centre of her power outflow, and will finish it before the end of the summer. Her energy flow of light will be greater in volume, and you will be standing in this increased flow.
Many people will soak up the energy and delight in it, and they’ll grow stronger with the support of the light. Others will clash with the light – they count on the dark to hide their acts. Many, many will find it exhausting without knowing why. This is the wind of change that we wrote about in our books by this author, and this wind is picking up speed. Even the stones at Avebury know of the change coming.
Our general advice to all of you reading this is to expect change, change, change. It will be easiest if you let go of unnecessary baggage of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual kind. Streamline your lives so you have less to hold on to and look after. Practicing Reiki or another form of healing will help to ease you into the flow, as will bringing the energy of the Earth up into your bodies ( Time will seem compacted and shortened, you will find the hours fly by and any simplifications will allow you to enjoy your days without feeling rushed. There is no turning back time on Earth, but time can be speeded up. Work to fit your lives into the new environment of time on Earth.
The Archangels wrote about this wind of change in And I Saw A New Earth, please see (Only the first chapter is about 2012.) One of the things I’ve liked about channelling these books is that no matter how confusing life becomes, they always present info in a way that explains what is happening, why it’s happening and how it’s all for our highest good. Then I don’t worry about it. Candace
©Candace Caddick